
Showing posts from September, 2012


Does that not mean anything? 5.31million in Sg and all we seem to care abt is how to increase our birth rate. Why must we add more burden to our resources? A wrote on this before, disagreeing with how a low birth rate would be detrimental, and the teacher who marked the script commented on how "fresh" the perspective is. I'm not trying to say my friend didn't write well but seriously, does the teacher not know?? Is the idea that we are destroying mother nature that hard to understand, remember or even notice? (K that is a few too many questions and MS will scold me for that:/) Why not treasure the elderly more and create a new industry where we can employ and target the elderly? (NOOO WHY ANOTHER QN..) We may even then live in a wiser world. I hope. TTFN~~

GP review

General comments: why is there a need for 2 opposing views (for show?). err...cuz I was taught to have 2 opposing views? You do not know much pertaining to solutions to specifically deal with the problem, say for example in the form of international collaborations or pharmaceutical companies that exacerbate the problem. I wrote on Indonesia not providing influenza samples to World Health Organisation because they refused to give free vaccines in return. Not an example? Specific comments: Wouldn't all farmers globally be in grave danger then? (regarding disease transmission from animals to humans because of the close proximity between animals and humans on farms, and the packing of animals in commercial farms that speeds up mutation rates.) Yah, farmers are high risk groups. What's wrong with my logic? If it were that simple, no one in the world would be susceptible if they can use such an easy remedy. (Regarding eating healthy to prevent infections.) Eating healthily is n...


1. Never flare up cuz it doesn't bring any good outcome. Tolerance helps me anw. 2. Stay focused. 3. SLEEP EARLY. 4. Keep within the time limit. 5. Don't think too much or risk being far-fetched. 6. Always have a reason. 7. Try to do a little more each time. 8. Stay +. 9. Dream^^. ~TTFN~

Something I didn't dare write about

How apt. Cuz I'm only writing about whatever that happened a year + ago. Took me this long to get over it I guess. Actually 14/7/12 was sort of when it truly ended huh? I guess e trust just ended then. ...this is tougher to write about than I thought... Trust was the most important thing I thought. But I think u betrayed it quite a few too many times. But still, I have to thank you for all e support u've given and the sweet memories. The most memorable would be the A thing, cuz of what u offered to do. Seriously can't believe whatever that happened that whole week..I think it was e craziest/most embarrassing thing in my life. And I learnt whom to confide in and whom not to. A thing is seriously...I'm just speechless. Luckily everything sort of got back to normal (as normal as it could be since it would never ever be normal). I know I was seriously damn bad but arghh! And this time I don't know why it turned out similarly in such bad fashion. Not clear cu...


lol as u know how i like to link stuff together (like from e title to e main text), I was so tempted to just write -prelims in e title cuz when u compose e post there is the word "post" right before the title box:P Ended prelims ytd on a rather low note cuz i think i screwed chem and chem paper 1 was e last paper. It's like I blew all 3 chances cuz there were 3 papers and i screwed all. what a joke. So now I have the long and painful wait to go through..and the pain of getting back papers. (can u tell how horrible I'm feeling?) BUT the past is past. so enjoy the future with hardwork and hope hahaha. After our paper we went to watch Ted(: ok everyone over 18 should go watch Ted. It's about making choices in relationships (not just partners but friends). It's hilarious tho quite vulgar (tho the main word that's vulgar is the f-word and a "sex-scene". But it's a sweet and funny show and I RECOMMEND IT:D some things that occurred b4/during ...

Life is like that

unfair and harsh. ok I'm being a little too extreme. but it just sucks when things don't come out like you'd expect it to. so this shall be a rant post. and i shan't care abt caps.): well ok i shan't be so sad. always look on e bright side right? cuz i can't reverse whatever i've done/ take back whatever i said (tho these words are most probably forgotten, to our advantage). lol fickle minded me has just stopped this post from being ranty! but i still shan't care about caps. a lot of times we are only given one chance and for the most unfortunate of times we screw it up. but this probably makes us stronger since we then get the chance to learn from our mistakes. if i was right all the time then i'd just be a snobbish idiot who THINKS i'm right all the time. and if i was really right all e time then i'd be leading such a boring life since i know everything and there's nothing to be curious about. on the other hand, being right all e ti...

The body is like a fridge

I was actually thinking abt this on the bus to school this morn. The fridge works 24/7 and if you switch off the fridge, stuff inside spoils/ spoils faster. It's like our body cuz when the system stops working (like when there's some blockage somewhere), the organs spoil. But it's amazing how long your fridge can work for, just like how the body can stay healthy for a long time. But the good thing of not having a fridge for a body is that at least e body heals itself. The wonders of living things~~ I should start thinking of better post titles. Got some inspiration from watching vlogs cuz they use awesome (tho sometimes sick- to catch ppl's attentions) titles that are from a random instant from the vid. So mayb I shall adopt that style? Prelims are making me sad and anxious sigh. It's like... making me feel stupid. TTFN!~

Chased by 2 guard dogs

Eventful day today! One of my favs in my 18 years of life haha. Took 1hr 45min to get to ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre but it was totes worth it. We had e briefing n tour first, so I got to see star back turtles, a green iguana and pig nosed turtles. And there were rescued dogs too but they're rare cuz ACRES supposedly only rescues wildlife. So now we're on to work! Gosh it was tiring:/ esp when there aren't enough tools so I had to use a shovel instead of a hoe so I needed to use more effort cuz it was the wrong tool for the job. LOL I'm blabbering. ANW hey I haven't even said what we're supposed to do:P ACRES is building a larger sanctuary for the reptiles and they don't have enough funds/ don't wanna waste donations on hiring ppl to clear land so we had to volunteer to clear quite a lot of overgrown vegetation on a plot of land. That plot of land was actually reclaimed by the gvt cuz of some issues I'm not that clear of. But there had been a lega...


Why is a bronze paralympic medal worth SO MUCH LESS than an olympic bronze medal? How sad. I wanna hear the rationale for this. And Stanford research states that organic food is healthier. So toxins in pesticides don't remain in the body? I wanna know how the research was done, like whether they checked the levels of pesticide chemicals in older people and in sick people after eating several years of non-organic food. I don't always buy organic food but to SUPPORT WITH RESEARCH that it is less beneficial in terms of nutrition, I shake my head. Research ppl, please make sure you are sure. Luckily ppl eat organic food for other reasons and don't get swayed by these statistics. Why doesn't Singapore promote organic food more? If farmers are induced to supply more organic food, maybe the price will fall and i can buy more organic food:) Hope that ain't wishful thinking~~ TTFN~


Haha I won't strive to be like them but I can imagine how fun it would be! Tough to come up with new stuff all e time but it's their passion anw and it would feel so satisfying to make vids that loads of ppl like! Yup vids! I'm talking abt youtube stars:D My fav are Shane Dawson, Jenna Marbles, BREEessrig, lisbug n Vihart. Heh sort of can only come up with these cuz I think I like a few more but I haven't been watching them so kinda forgot..I used to watch smosh n fluffee too:P I wanna get e lisbug bow but it's kinda ex:/ k enoughhh haha! TTFN!~