
lol as u know how i like to link stuff together (like from e title to e main text), I was so tempted to just write -prelims in e title cuz when u compose e post there is the word "post" right before the title box:P

Ended prelims ytd on a rather low note cuz i think i screwed chem and chem paper 1 was e last paper. It's like I blew all 3 chances cuz there were 3 papers and i screwed all. what a joke. So now I have the long and painful wait to go through..and the pain of getting back papers. (can u tell how horrible I'm feeling?) BUT the past is past. so enjoy the future with hardwork and hope hahaha.

After our paper we went to watch Ted(: ok everyone over 18 should go watch Ted. It's about making choices in relationships (not just partners but friends). It's hilarious tho quite vulgar (tho the main word that's vulgar is the f-word and a "sex-scene". But it's a sweet and funny show and I RECOMMEND IT:D

some things that occurred b4/during prelims:

class photo! I didn't upload e formal one cuz i'm lazy to rotate it:/ this one's more fun to look at anw~

pile of notes (and some other random stuff) that i don't hav anywhere else to put. But they're all in order (by subject) so I can find whatever I need~ as u can see on e left, my shelf is full. And I realise it's sagging. from ikea lol. But i love that shelf!

This was after I went to papermarket after watching Brave. They were giving out discounts and u're supposed to show this on e next visit. Lol but I don't usually buy papermarket stuff. Anw, I'm in e library studying, in one of the pop out blocks in Bishan lib!

Wednesday. We went to Watami to celebrate V's birthday~ poor "sen ngeh" cake but i think it was still nice haha. Watami's food was not bad btw.

 Haha not unglam lah.

This was quite scary, and made it quite hard to wash my hands. Tho I love animals, I only like to LOOK at such animals, not touch them. Cuz they're so fast and squiggly that I feel like I may lose them somewhere on my body if I pick them up.

 But this is a truly cute pic. That's why I say I like to LOOK at them.

SIGHH. This is e back of my ez-link card. I should have taken a photo before peeling e stickers out but too late. Had to take them out to scan it for BMAT apps..

Snail made by my bro. hahaha so pretty~

Happy birthday P! XOXO. I never ever thought abt how much older you are compared to me, except during ur birthdays LOL. Some ppl may be Whoa but who cares right? We used to argue a lot last time over lame things but that was last time~ You shall always be inspirational. Hope you like e book I gave u!!^^

This isn't meant to be offensive or anything. It is just to show that doctor I met the other day who said that vets in Sg nowadays have no brains. This is from a book that I'm currently reading, called The Complete Cat by Vicky Halls, who is voted e UK's favourite cat author. Her other book, Cat Confidential was a bestseller.

So after ballet today I did some handstands and realised how weak I have become since I quit gym. There's always the sense of reminiscence but we all have to start new chapters in our lives. And to "think positively", I always say it's better to have memories than to have none.



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