Life is like that

unfair and harsh. ok I'm being a little too extreme. but it just sucks when things don't come out like you'd expect it to. so this shall be a rant post. and i shan't care abt caps.):

well ok i shan't be so sad. always look on e bright side right? cuz i can't reverse whatever i've done/ take back whatever i said (tho these words are most probably forgotten, to our advantage). lol fickle minded me has just stopped this post from being ranty! but i still shan't care about caps.

a lot of times we are only given one chance and for the most unfortunate of times we screw it up. but this probably makes us stronger since we then get the chance to learn from our mistakes. if i was right all the time then i'd just be a snobbish idiot who THINKS i'm right all the time. and if i was really right all e time then i'd be leading such a boring life since i know everything and there's nothing to be curious about. on the other hand, being right all e time doesn't mean all of e above but it means u're smart and u are curious about things and problems and are still able to solve them. but obviously there isn't anyone who knows everything but God.

but luckily ppl have expectations, so ppl do look out for potential. like olga korbut who screwed up really really really badly at the olympics in the team events (or was it indiv all-around?). ppl expected her to give an awesome performance the next time even tho she failed really badly the first time round. ppl do see her potential.

so moral of the story is, it sucks when ppl don't see ur potential and brush u off.


ok but sometimes u just have to prove to yourself. cuz it's not always abt what others think. once u stop having faith in urself, u start to care abt what others think abt u. so stay strong and have faith:)



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