Something I didn't dare write about

How apt. Cuz I'm only writing about whatever that happened a year + ago. Took me this long to get over it I guess.

Actually 14/7/12 was sort of when it truly ended huh?
I guess e trust just ended then.

...this is tougher to write about than I thought...

Trust was the most important thing I thought. But I think u betrayed it quite a few too many times.
But still, I have to thank you for all e support u've given and the sweet memories.

The most memorable would be the A thing, cuz of what u offered to do. Seriously can't believe whatever that happened that whole week..I think it was e craziest/most embarrassing thing in my life. And I learnt whom to confide in and whom not to. A thing is seriously...I'm just speechless. Luckily everything sort of got back to normal (as normal as it could be since it would never ever be normal). I know I was seriously damn bad but arghh!

And this time I don't know why it turned out similarly in such bad fashion. Not clear cut at all. Loose threads all about. Can't be mended but not completely finished off.

Life goes on, as you have shown me.



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