GP review

General comments: why is there a need for 2 opposing views (for show?). err...cuz I was taught to have 2 opposing views?

You do not know much pertaining to solutions to specifically deal with the problem, say for example in the form of international collaborations or pharmaceutical companies that exacerbate the problem. I wrote on Indonesia not providing influenza samples to World Health Organisation because they refused to give free vaccines in return. Not an example?

Specific comments: Wouldn't all farmers globally be in grave danger then? (regarding disease transmission from animals to humans because of the close proximity between animals and humans on farms, and the packing of animals in commercial farms that speeds up mutation rates.) Yah, farmers are high risk groups. What's wrong with my logic?

If it were that simple, no one in the world would be susceptible if they can use such an easy remedy. (Regarding eating healthy to prevent infections.) Eating healthily is not as easy as you think. Or else there wouldn't be ppl who study nutrition and earn money out of it.

Sry if I sound sarcastic or anything. But I really don't get the comments. Sigh. How to score in GP???



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