The body is like a fridge

I was actually thinking abt this on the bus to school this morn. The fridge works 24/7 and if you switch off the fridge, stuff inside spoils/ spoils faster. It's like our body cuz when the system stops working (like when there's some blockage somewhere), the organs spoil. But it's amazing how long your fridge can work for, just like how the body can stay healthy for a long time. But the good thing of not having a fridge for a body is that at least e body heals itself. The wonders of living things~~

I should start thinking of better post titles. Got some inspiration from watching vlogs cuz they use awesome (tho sometimes sick- to catch ppl's attentions) titles that are from a random instant from the vid. So mayb I shall adopt that style?

Prelims are making me sad and anxious sigh. It's like... making me feel stupid.



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