Chased by 2 guard dogs

Eventful day today! One of my favs in my 18 years of life haha. Took 1hr 45min to get to ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre but it was totes worth it. We had e briefing n tour first, so I got to see star back turtles, a green iguana and pig nosed turtles. And there were rescued dogs too but they're rare cuz ACRES supposedly only rescues wildlife.

So now we're on to work! Gosh it was tiring:/ esp when there aren't enough tools so I had to use a shovel instead of a hoe so I needed to use more effort cuz it was the wrong tool for the job. LOL I'm blabbering. ANW hey I haven't even said what we're supposed to do:P ACRES is building a larger sanctuary for the reptiles and they don't have enough funds/ don't wanna waste donations on hiring ppl to clear land so we had to volunteer to clear quite a lot of overgrown vegetation on a plot of land. That plot of land was actually reclaimed by the gvt cuz of some issues I'm not that clear of. But there had been a legal case where the contractor cheated ACRES with regards to the land. I'm not sure what happened but the main gist is that they had actually wanted to build the enclosure a few years back but cuz of the court case the gvt took e land back so after a few years lots of vegetation grew and we have to clear it cuz ACRES got e land back from the gvt. E Singapore gvt is actually quite supportive of ACRES and it was minister Shanmugam that fought to get back that piece of land for ACRES. So yay^^

I say it was an eventful day cuz we saw a snake that Mr Louis (founder of ACRES!) thinks is a baby cobra, I got bitten by a huge black ant, and I got chased by 2 guard dogs. Mr Louis said that baby snakes can't control the releasing of their venom and they tend to release ALL their venom at once. So I guess we were lucky in that we didn't get bitten? The snakey was so scared that it was in its "fight" mode all "S-like" (striking position) when Mr Louis was catching it to release it somewhere far away. I think some of the rest saw a garden snake too~

Also, I learnt that you can find loads of ants under rotting logs.

And those 2 guard dogs were really quite terrifying. I unknowingly trespassed their territory so 2 dogs started running towards me. I turned and walked. I guess it was the safer choice cuz if I had run I could have made the dogs think I was some prey and they probably would have bitten me. And anw dogs run faster than ppl so I must as well remain calm and act submissive (tho I was truly scared!) At one point in time it felt like e dogs were escorting me out cuz one of them was beside me for awhile. It had really pretty fur and I had the urge to pet it but ah well hahaha. It had a really pretty collar too. The other one was behind me so I didn't really get to see what it looked like. It was quite scary when they were running behind me cuz I didn't know what they were gonna do and I could hear them GROWLING! At least they are domesticated. Imagine running into a wild, or even worse rabid, dog! When I looked at the dog beside me, its face looked quite calm so I felt quite ok after that. Then I met this PRC guy who tried to help me cuz he heard the barking dogs. E convo was quite funny but I shall leave it at that:P

K so I safely reached ACRES as you read at the start haha. How dumb of me. I should have just followed my instincts and followed the other girl who looked like a volunteer. I saw the Jalan Lekar sign, not knowing it was referring to one of the small roads instead of the main path to ACRES, that's why I turned into the hilly road and bumped into those doggies. But it was a cool experience. Don't regret my decision HEH.

Had to leave after the first shift cuz I had ballet. Anw I got a ride from MUAHAHAHA. tq^^ Think I used too much energy all at once that's why I was like dead beat after just 1 shift (there were ppl staying all e way omg). But I still survived ballet:) Mayb cuz of that awesome Lemon Kumquat juice from Gong Cha. SO REFRESHING~

TTFN<3 p="p">


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