Reviewing my 2024 New Year Resolutions

Hi, we're back here after ONE year!


Do 20-30s handstands every day.

I did not do this yikes! Thought yoga was enough but once a week is far from enough so I have to make myself do this! I did do pull-ups towards the end of the year though.

Stretch at least 5min every day.

I did this sometimes, but not every day...Too much phone!

Sleep at 10 - 11pm.

Managed to do this for most of the year, but sometimes the phone gets in the way!! Tsk!

Go for yoga at least once a week when mil is here.

Most successful goal perhaps haha!

Nature walks at least once a month.

Yeah we went to Botanic Gardens several times and also walked around the neighbourhood pretty frequently. Hope to do this more often though.


Teach him to ride the bike. 👍(trike)

Get him off diapers.👍

Wean him off breast milk.👍

Read a book to him every week.

Failed, but thankfully my MIL actually taught him to write letters 💓

Planned Breaks

Take leave from 25th Dec - 31st Dec. (Felt really good in 2023, but also depends on where mil will be.)

Took leave earlier and started working on 30th (which I thought I could use to do my resolutions but I am still late haha. Had to settle quite a few loose ends for Elemit Yoga so the personal stuff had to wait...)

Travel at least once a year (not during Christmas). 

We went to JB!

Celebrate our birthdays. (Haha, because I've always been so lazy to.)

Easily settled by going to ice-cream parlours haha.


Read at least one Chinese classic novel.

Nope, but I did read one TCM book during my year-end travel and also one English autobiography some time in the middle of the year.

Home Enhancement

Reorganize cupboards so that we can find stuff more easily.

I honestly don't know how to do this when household members don't have the habit of keeping things back in their original place??

Plan a kid's gym.

Nope, kicked this plan out for the time being and relying on playgrounds.

Elemit Yoga

Plan our first yoga retreat.

We sorta have a rough plan, but it was not a good time to leave the country.

Not sharing my financial goals since I feel it's a little too personal.

2024 was pretty good for me work-wise, hopefully I get a raise in early 2025...

But I do feel I am neglecting my family a bit, and relying a bit too much on my MIL. It's not that I don't do housework, but when she's here, I don't cook or clean much since she's doing most of it. That's on top of looking after Aryan and accompanying him to sleep. At most I do breakfast, cut fruits, make desserts and do the laundry. Definitely feel it much more especially when I got busier towards the end of the year due to having to organize the international conference at work. She's honestly great family support but I just feel I need to be there more for my boy since he's still so young.

But overall even though I didn't hit ALL of my goals, I think some of the important ones have been completed. I believe I am going in the right direction, and for 2025 I'm gonna make my goals "SMARTer" and also think of actual routines to implement so that I can track my progress better and also be more accountable for my life. There are also some routines that I had implemented which weren't part of my 2024 goals, but I felt they would be great to include and fine-tune. Looking forward to planning and sharing my 2025 goals (hopefully by today too)!



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