I Feel My Life's Like An Arranged Marriage

I feel my life's like an arranged marriage...In a good way though.

I married a native Indian, and it was a so-called "love marriage". But everything else in my life seems so "arranged". By that I mean every decision made seemed to be based on first impressions instead of long-term planning.

I chose my uni course based on a simple attraction to natural health. I didn't consider the workload, the ulu-ness of NTU, the prospects of becoming a TCM physician, or other job prospects for that matter. There weren't many choices of uni anyway. It was either NUS or NTU, or an overseas uni. I knew if I were to go overseas, I would be doing veterinary medicine. But since the overseas universities didn't want me, I narrowed down my choices to the local Us. I don't even remember if I had any 2nd or 3rd choices. I know I submitted an NUS USP application, but they gave me a conditional offer. The TCM course in NTU gave me an unconditional offer, so I took it up. Well, love should be unconditional right? 

Getting my current job was also based on a scholarship that I got when I was in Year 3 of uni. I've never actually thought of leaving since I feel there is so much room for progress. Plus I live 15min away from my workplace! I did apply for other scholarships but they all rejected me. So I went with the one that accepted me. Truth be told, I actually didn't know what I was getting into. The scholarship was actually for a teaching job, which I only found out later during the interview HAHA. But right now I am not only teaching, I'm also working on a diverse range of projects from event planning to marketing so I get a glimpse into different work scopes, which just makes me feel like I'm at a buffet and get to try out various stuff. I'm definitely aware of the side effects of buffets, but I think I'm pretty good at saying "no" when I need to so I haven't exactly put too much on my plate at the moment. Work is fulfilling, but not thaaaat hectic and it really is a balance that I have to regularly recalibrate whenever I feel overwhelmed.

I think I always knew what I liked, and I definitely knew what I didn't like. Even though I didn't have a concrete life plan, but I think in my case the law of attraction did its wonders and things that I enjoyed doing just fell into place. Or perhaps what I really enjoy is the freedom. Since what I have chosen isn't very competitive nor well-developed, I could do things at my own pace and mold my own pathway. Or perhaps I am really just very lucky. Privileged in the sense that I don't have to worry too much about earning a lot of money, and that I have access to the resources (thanks Youtube) that help me live wisely and in a financially stable way such that I can really do the things I enjoy.

<3 TTFN!


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