Reviewing my 2023 New Year Resolutions

Today's post will be a review of how well I have achieved my 2023 New Year's Resolutions. The original resolutions are in black, while my review is in blue.


- No phones during meal times (this is really tough at times because there're peak periods with short deadlines, but I have been successful for 75% of the time so far)

More or less achieved. Perhaps 85%?

- Go swimming at least once a month

Failed miserably. Did not go at all, except when we went to Sentosa with my in-laws.

- Do some acro/exercises with baby at least once every week

We didn't do this every week, but we did unlock some milestones and baby A can balance on my hands. He loves it.

- Read library books/sing to bb every day

We didn't use library books, but we had picture cards that we used towards the end of the year. A's starting to talk and he can say quite a few words like 奶奶、狗狗、猫猫, bal (hair in Hindi), pan (as in pani, for water in Hindi), milk, Nah (for Narayan hahaha), poo poo, pee pee, dog, jaan, oh no (hahaha), ball ball.


- Re-organize my finances (I have already created a template based on the youtube channel "Lisa's Adulting in Singapore"'s excel sheet. Go check her out if you're new to personal budgeting and financial planning!

Done 100%.


- Go on nature walks at least once a week

Failed, but we do walk downstairs frequently.

- Stretch at home every day

Failed, but at one point in time when MIL was here I did yoga classes at least once a week.

- Sleep by 10 - 11pm every day

85% of the time. So I think pretty good.

- Plan breaks for the whole year (e.g. holiday trips, birthday celebrations, festivities)

Hubs helped to plan MIL's birthday. I think we had a few proper celebrations (towards the start of the year) and I also got Christmas presents for the nieces & nephews. We also had an awesome Penang trip.

Elemit Yoga

- Create new website (I have already started so yay! But I still have to wait for the website SSL certificate to be approved...hope it will be approved by tonight...)

Done, but we will be switching back to the old website since the new hosting provider is more expensive without the promo codes.


- Re-organize the wardrobes so that my MIL can have one wardrobe to herself. So terrible right, she was here for months but we only managed to give her one that definitely has to change lol.

Done, but I'm improving the organization with more plastic drawers since there are just too many things. With the drawers it would also be easier to find stuff.

- Paint the door frame (I had put this off because I fell prego and didn't want to inhale the toxic fumes.)


Personal Skills

- Learn to make vegan almond cookies

Done. I even learnt to make kueh lopez and also went on a men's haircutting course.

I think in general I did quite well? I rate myself 85-90%. This New Year's Resolution thingy is really quite useful and I shall do my 2024 list tomorrow!



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