Simple and healthy vegan breakfast ideas

Today I'll be sharing some of my all-time favourite breakfasts that are vegan and healthy. The main principle that I abide by is to be as unprocessed as possible, yet easy enough to do. If something is too tough or expensive and people cannot stick to it then even if it were the healthiest option, it wouldn't be feasible. So you will still find some processed foods in my list, but I try to keep it at a minimum. 

Also there are a lot of misconceptions as to what 'healthy' means, but health is a balance and it depends on your lifestyle as well. I have had people tell me that they think butter is fine, and you know with keto becoming popular these days it's difficult to rebut. But the person who told me this had breast cancer, fibroids and liver cysts so I'm convinced that her definition of "healthy" really isn't. There are many people who share their diet and health issues online and everytime I see it they're eating things like cakes, seafood platters and fried food devoid of much green veggies. And they also say that they're on medications for things like endometriosis. So for me the connection is clear but perhaps they can't give up their lifestyle or just haven't realized the connection? I'm not saying that they have to go vegan like me, but honestly their diet is really unbalanced and you've got to have really great genes in order to avoid the inevitable.

Another thing to note, I am an office worker and even though I walk to and fro from work every day and do yoga classes about once a week and some stretches on my own at home, I am still rather sedentary. So if you require more protein or calories for your lifestyle, do modify them accordingly. However, I'm currently also breastfeeding so I believe that the diet I have is rather rich and balanced in nutrients since I've got a pretty good supply. So without further ado, below is my list of healthier vegan breakfast ideas:

1. Sweet potatoes with squeezed lime and herbs

Sweet potatoes boil fastest in a pressure cooker. You don't have to peel them before boiling because the nutrients will escape if you do so. When they're done, the skin comes off easily. You can also bake them for 45min - 1h at 230degC but it's a longer wait.

For garnish, you can use any herbs like paprika powder or some of those premixed Italian spices. Powdered form is preferred. I avoid premixed Indian spices because besides the spices, they also add other stuff like preservatives or anti-caking agents.

2. Guacamole with wholemeal bread.

Just mash the ripe avocados, add tomatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro, salt, a bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice. So good I'm salivating as I write this. I don't like avocados on their own but I love guacamole.

3. Wholemeal bread with 100% nut or seed spreads.

Make sure they're 100%! A little bit of salt is fine because sometimes it's just really tough to find unsalted ones...I love Sing Long brand's black sesame spread and also Adam's brand peanut butter. You can go wild with this if you've got the financial means though. There are so many different brands and versions out there. Just remember to check the ingredients list and reject all those with unknown ingredients.

4. Green smoothies

Main ingredients would be spinach/any other dark green leafy veg that can be eaten raw, and omega 3-rich seeds like chia or ground flaxseed. Then add any fruits and plant milks for taste.

5. Instant oats with almond milk

I use Fresh Bean House brand almond powder and Quaker oats, add hot or warm water and voila. I stock these up at work and have it whenever I wake up late and can't have breakfast at home. Sprinkle some nuts and berries for added nutrition.

I'm not limited to the 5 options above, but these 5 are the quickest, easiest and tastiest to me. For those that require more time and effort, I shall share on another occasion. There are also some days when I just eat fruit. Fresh coconut on a sunny day is one example, or banana shake using bonsoy soymilk with ground flaxseed is also another top favourite in my home. Otherwise we have cut fruits but it's been raining a lot recently so I prefer a hot breakfast.


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