Shopback is pretty awesome

Somehow October is a super busy month! Suddenly there are so many talks coming up, it's as if everyone is trying to earn as much as they can before the year ends. Which is a good thing as well because it means MORE promotions! 😀 Recently I feel that shopback has a lot of good promotions. You can buy vouchers (eg grabcar vouchers and fairprice on vouchers) and get up to 14% cashback if you pay using citibank credit card. I've already bought more than $50 bucks worth of vouchers (the bulk is grab car since I take it quite often). They have many other vouchers including food panda, grab mart etc. And they give you even more cashback if you hit the minimum spending in the challenge category. If you click on the figure beside the search bar, then scroll down, you will be able to see Deal Purchase and Challenges. Now go spend money😂 I think the deals are pretty dope man. Especially cuz they count the deals and offers you bought before entering the challenge. Also Grab has ...