Ignorance is bliss

I used to work at a specialist clinic as a clinic assistant. Boss is great. Colleagues are great. It's a really awesome, almost stress free environment to work at. I have nothing personal against them, but I always wonder, because of my knowledge in TCM, diet and natural health, how do doctors actually overcome their conscience when they prescribe drugs such as steroids. You may be thinking that I don't make any sense at all. You may be thinking, being a doctor is one of the best professions in the world! They save people and earn good bucks at the same time! 

There has been so much evidence of how diet can be used to cure diseases ranging from autoimmune (eg. eczema, psoriasis, lupus etc) to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol, and yet when patients ask the doctor if there is anything that they should avoid, and the doctor says nope. It's like the very thing that's causing harm to the body is already known, and yet because there are steroids (and other drugs) available to suppress the immune system then there is no need to avoid these harmful foods. Since these harmful foods aren't avoided, once the patient stops the treatment, the issue comes back. If doctors can tell their patients that there's nothing they need to avoid, then I can only think of the following reasons of how they overcome their conscience:

1. They are not aware of how diet contributes to the disease. Hence there is no conscience to overcome. 

2.  They feel the scientific evidence is not conclusive. 

3. They think patients will not be compliant to a new diet. Especially if the issue is relatively minor. 

I feel I would have a different perspective on things if doctors actually provide ALL the possible treatment methods including diet changes, and let patients decide on their own. I mean if you can actually tell patients to go for surgery which is so invasive, then at least informing about diet should be easy right? But this is not even possible if they don't know how diet affects health. I am not against the prescription of steroids or treatment plans that don't solve the root issue. What I do not agree with is the ignorance or hiding of knowledge with regards to diet. 

It's a good thing though, that some medications and consultation fees are so expensive. Maybe one day patients will stop and think, hey why am I spending so much money on something that doesn't seem to solve the root issue. But I realise a lot of people, or the loudest people, don't think this. Instead they blame the medical industry for being expensive and unethical since by right healthcare is a basic necessity or an essential good. Imagine if conventional healthcare becomes so cheap or free like the NHS, and everyone starts using all these unnecessary medications and end up with all the side effects (which are many a times not clearly explained during consultation), that's gonna drive up healthcare costs since now we have to deal with side effects as well. 

On the other hand, diet is truly such a cheap alternative. But it's not easy to change your diet because HABITS DIE HARD, and diet is a habit. And to prepare your own food in the midst of a busy schedule is also at times impossible. Sacrifices have to be made. 

It's such an amazing business model though. You have a service and goods that are deemed as somewhat essential yet not exactly, so you can charge exorbitant prices. And people are lazy to cook. And medications ARE effective, albeit short term. It's just that, doctors came into this industry wanting to help people, and not to become businessmen. Or did they? 

There are loads of doctors that have a kind heart, and they do go the extra mile for their patients, teaching them how to change their lifestyle etc, or at least letting them know the different and more natural alternatives. And they do a lot of charity work too. But there are those who are here for the money more than for the love of people. Because seriously speaking, people are hard to love😂



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