Renewing my hubby's LTVP

Getting our LTVP was pretty stress free, everything went smoothly, maybe except for the medical cert because the doctor's stamp was in hindi and not that clear, and the doctor's handwriting was as usual, atrocious. But ICA handled it pretty well anyway and we got the LTVP.

Slightly more than half a year passes and I applied for the UOB One credit card and a supp card for my hubby. (Because there were cashback promos!) But because there were less than 6 months left on my hubby's LTVP, UOB didn't want to give us the supp card. (Tsk UOB.) And they specially called me to explain. AND they were so *helpful* to tell me that we can apply for the LTVP earlier because they will just add the remaining duration to the new card. Thanks but no thanks, because this info was wrong. (Double tsk UOB.) The remaining duration DOES NOT get added to the new card. So even though our first card expires in Sept 2020, our new card expires in June 2021 because we made our appointment in June 2020 (the card lasts for 1 year). So moral of the story, renew your LTVP as late as possible. I recommend 6weeks before the expiry date.

Thank god for CB otherwise we would have lost another 2 months. (CB lasted for about 2 months for ICA)


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