
Busy busy week today because I got called into my ad-hoc work almost every day this week, so that's about 12h of work each day minus the travelling time, which is not a lot from one place to the other cuz I just Grab or Gojek (whichever is cheaper). I get 3% cashback (first 6 months, 1.5% after) from using Amex True Cashback credit card. Really like this card because there is no minimum spending and they let you get cashback from topping-up online wallets UNLIKE posb everyday card and Citibank SMRT card (at most only 0.3% cashback for topping up). Previously I was using the Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback credit card which has the same rules as the Amex card (1.5% cashback only though), but since I had to spend at least $500 on getting air tickets for my jaan, I applied for the Amex card via Moneysmart as they had a promo that gave $80 (giro into bank- I got it after about a month) and $60 Capitaland mall vouchers (they will mail you a letter telling you to redeem from specific malls). Sounds complicated huh. But I love the intricacies of it, and that it's sort of like a life-hack that not everyone bothers to do since people are generally lazy. I like the bureaucracy for some odd reason, it's like putting more layers into your life.

Anyway for the lazy ones out there who don't spend more than $500 each month, below is a list of no minimum spend cards which I currently use and think are worth getting.

Amex True Cashback Card: 1.5% Cashback (3% for first $5000 within first 6 months)
Even better if you apply via websites such as Moneysmart just before making a big purchase ($500 within the first month upon card approval) and you can receive the promo cashback of $80 in cash (bank giro) and $60 in Capitaland mall vouchers. This card can be used to top-up Grabpay as well and still earns you the 1.5% or 3%! Dash doesn't accept Amex though. The best thing about this card is that they give you the cashback in the same month's statement.

Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Card: 1.5% Cashback
Apply via websites such as moneysmart and get $100 in cash (bank giro) and another $100 in cashback. It's seriously free $200 since you don't have to do anything to The cashback took awhile to come in though, I can't remember when specifically but just be patient. Like the Amex card, this card can be used for Grabpay as well.

Citibank SMRT Card: 4.7% or 5% (it's the extra 0.3% upon hitting $300/mth) Cashback for Fairprice, Giant or Sheng Siong groceries. However you need to spend $50 per transaction otherwise it's only 2.7% or 3%, so it's better for buying in bulk. *Cashback can only be redeemed in denominations of $5 and $10 though.
Now you can actually just use Singtel Dash for lower Fairprice transaction amounts and get 5% rebate. Be sure to use someone's referral code if you're using Dash for the first time so you and your friend can get extra cashback!
This card also gets you EZ-link rebates (1.7% or 2% for top-ups of $40 and above). But if your phone is NFC-enabled, you might want to try using Dash instead since they seem to have really good EZ-link discounts.

POSB Everyday Card: I would suggest this only if you use DBS Multiplier since you can use SimplyGo for EZ-link transactions and bump yourself up to the next tier without spending a lot. For example I spent only $0.43 (ez-link transaction) + $2.40 (bread from Sheng Siong) last month on this card and my DBS Multiplier account interest rate got bumped up to the next tier. If you get your groceries from Sheng Siong then it's good to use this card as well since you get 5% cashback regardless of transaction amount (unlike Citibank SMRT card). You can also redeem the cashback within the same month's bank statement.

On top of these I also use NTUC membership card (it's free anyway) to chalk up extra rebates. There is a minimum spend of $20 though.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser. Just like sharing my experiences so that others may benefit! Promotions may vary according to date.



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