My outright RANT post

Ok la, it's not gonna be thaaaat ranty, but just because I feel that there r too many ppl on my instagram acc to voice my derogatory comments, I decided to write them here.

It's been a soppy day because I got so pissed for being cut off midway while voicing my opinion. And one rude lady told me to speak in English instead of Mandarin. I know my mandarin aint that great but it's still understandable. And she gave me an irritated face. Like wth. Anw this was during a meeting with MOH representatives and I wanted to tell them how we should start setting up English bachelor's/ diploma courses for TCM (which means they need to start planning for an English exam and English computer platform for physicians if they decide to approve English TCM degrees). And the chairman of the association (not MOH,  he was the moderator) said it's not the consensus of the association so I can't raise it. Erm, it's not like a decision for the association to make what. It's a viewpoint that I'm sharing, and they can discuss it instead of shooting me down. I'm not pissed if they don't agree with me. I'm pissed that they cut me off because 'it's not the consensus of the association'. They've been sitting up there for such a long time, how would they know what goes on during the admissions process? I was trying to convey that I had a lot of classmates that wanted to take TCM but they chose medicine instead coz firstly, they got into medicine which is more priestigious, and secondly they weren't sure if they could cope with using mandarin. It's so obvious that language is an issue. Most of the current students come from China or Malaysia where ppl have a much better command of mandarin. Why would we want to have a Sg industry dominated by foreigners?

Also, I wanted to say, it blows my mind how there r some ppl over 40 who don't know where the scapular (shoulder blade) is.



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