Work work work

Just had to do an update today because I gave my first talk yesterday at Mandarin Oriental hotel! It was just for 30min and it was sorta like an interview because I think the organizers got a few physicians in to take a look at our content before choosing one of us for the actual thing. Surprisingly I wasn't nervous, maybe because it was just for such a small group of people, maybe 6 or 7 in total. But I have a feeling I won't get chosen since I overheard them saying it was too much content and they really liked the first physician. Which makes me really curious to know what that physician talked about cuz I wanna know how she gave her talk. I heard them say mine was more fun tho. And also I cleared up some misconceptions such as how mango isn't heaty but is drying.  For me I think I spoke a little too fast since I only had 30min to go through so much content. And also yeah I naturally speak pretty fast. Also my transitions were pretty abrupt so I gotta work on that. I kept forgetting which slide was next and I went too quickly so even though I could see on the laptop which slide was next, I just didn't pay attention to that and kept clicking to the next slide before thinking...Lots to work on! Just wish I had the natural flair that N has for public speaking. But it's alright, I can acquire this skill if I work on it, learn from others and just not take set backs too personally.

Anw some more updates on work life. I can't believe I actually have 4 jobs on hand now. Plus I prep my meals at home so it seems like all my time is taken up and I don't get enough rest. I read in a Nurse's study that women have more difficulty conceiving if they work more than 40h a week. It's not that bad though. Full time job is still pretty chill- honeymoon period- so I don't feel so stressed out. And I really love my first part time job because of the work environment, plus it gives me positive energy and motivation since I do it pretty well. Pay is relatively good too. Second part time job is very flexible and I can drop after taking up the gig so if I feel tired or have any other plans I'm not held up by it. It's quite boring tho, so I don't see myself doing that much of it. My third part time job is tuition and I haven't started doing it- first lesson will be next Fri. I partially regret taking it up cuz it's kinda far so I will waste quite a bit of time travelling (tho I'm really grateful for the downtown line haha). Plus I haven't told A and I forgot that I wouldn't do long term part time jobs that I couldn't drop easily so it's kind of a bad decision. Running behind money haha but I guess it would be good to have just one extra good paying job when A comes over and I have to drop all the other droppable part time jobs.

That's all the updates for now!



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