Got my license and work life

Yay I'm now a registered physician! Exam was easier than expected actually. And all NTU students got Day 1 for the oral exam which was much easier than Day 2. Our passing rate last year was 85% while SCTCM's passing rate was only 60 plus % for the full time students. Crazy big difference. I'm really interested to know the passing rate for their Day 1 students though.

Anyway so that's that.

Moving on... I started working at my full time job on the 2nd of Jan. So it's been almost a month. And I'm also cramming in 2 other adhoc jobs. The clinic job is chill but the MRT job is a little shag since I have to wake up really early and walk 25min to the MRT. (The air is so good tho! Good start to the day.) On top of that I cook my meals every day. The adhoc jobs are only gonna last till Amit comes to live with me though. Cuz I want to have proper work life balance when we're together. My main job has been really good to me so far. I have quite a lot of freedom at the moment, in the creative sense and the job timing sense. Colleagues are really nice too, and I think it's awesome that Yx decided to take up the job offer too. Otherwise I feel like I'd be kinda lonely. Cuz I somehow feel slightly distanced from my department colleagues. We don't exactly click that well. They're nice but of a different frequency. I have a nice feeling about 周老师 tho. Which is great cuz I will be helping with 2 of her classes, along w Yx. The first class was last night, which went really well and some of the students even started asking me clinical questions LOL. I escaped when that happened haha. They're a really motivated and fun bunch to teach. Definitely memorable. Also the college made me form teacher of the English TCM Assistant class. I don't teach any of their modules of course (maybe in future but definitely not when I'm only a month into the job). At first one lady said wa why so young? She was afraid I would be inexperienced or something. But last Tuesday she asked if she could get help from me instead of the lecturer. Lol. I don't really get the logic haha. But it feels awesome to be useful! Well, it's still really early into the job, we shall see if the goodness prevails.



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