Morning thoughts on make-up and how society copes

Was just thinking abt ppl's relationship w make-up this mrng: As much as we hate to admit, we r all vain. But what makes it toxic isn't because we are covering up our flaws. But because we can't accept our flaws that's why we cover them up. It's always about the why. Well u could say it's like therapy. But is it really therapy when ppl r just following the norm and not working on themselves? Are u guys like Jenna Marbles who can go on camera regardless of whether she wears make up? Even for Jenna Marbles, u could tell she used to be insecure about herself at the start of her youtube career, always talking down at herself and saying that she's ugly. But nowadays she's focusing more on life and other priorities.

Another few reasons there is toxicity:
1. Ppl look down on those who don't wear make-up- it's such a norm in some social circles that they call it laziness. Are these people really lazy or do they just have other priorities? I'm not talking abt full on laziness (we have to draw a line)- not even bothering to dress up for a wedding is also kinda disrespectful? Also it's quite easy to put on a decent dress or nice outfit as compared to putting on make-up (and washing it off later). And if u have other priorities during a wedding then u might as well not go?

2. Men don't need to wear make-up. Why the difference?? Because women are beautiful objects so we need to be painted? Women are meant to be admired physically? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong w putting on (cruelty-free) make-up, but there's something wrong if it affects ur job position and social standing- unless it's smth related to the beauty industry of course, since u have to present ur work. Well you have to admit that looks do matter- remember the time when chinese schools forced their students to keep their hair short? I guess the length of ur hair used to affect people's assessment of ur ability to become educated.

3. Make-up is not always cruelty-free. Not going to explain this but u can read the hundreds of articles on the Internet about animal testing for make-up.

4. Many people who wear make-up perpetrate the problem without realising it. It's not completely about wearing make-up, but obviously these ppl get more attention so naturally their views get heard more often. And people definitely like to listen to popular people because they believe these beautiful people are making it big in life. Or is it because the people who don't put on much make-up or any at all are too busy focusing on their families and just living their lives?

Some people might think I'm referring to female influencers. Yes and no. Because influencers like Xiaxue isn't just about looks; she talks about other current issues. But do u think she would have made it so big if she weren't so flamboyant with her looks? If she were male, would she have gotten to the same place with just her paparazzi skills? (Not an insult, a compliment in fact cuz her research skills are amazeballs.) Maybe yes, but definitely not as quickly. I think Xiaxue would admit, if she hasn't already done so in her blog posts/videos.

Lastly, this morning's reflection also made me think about how I spread awareness on veganism. Am I spreading it in a toxic way? Am I sending the msg that vegans look down on those who eat meat? It's such a difficult issue because on one hand so many animals (some even compare it to the Holocaust- we are not undermining the Holocaust but saying it's really that bad) are suffering and dying due to carnism, but on the other hand many ppl get offended by some of the things vegans say...It's a really difficult line to draw between saving animals and being offensive!




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