Life Update: Bf came to visit!

I don't think I have the same passion for blogging I used to have years ago, cuz nowadays I just write whatever I want to say on instagram or fb, and those force me to be more concise too. But when there r significant things, I still wanna record them down here.

So many things have happened since, here is a list (I'll elaborate later):
- A came to visit me in Beijing
- I finally asked my teacher to be my mentor for masters programme
- I got pyelonephritis ):
- petsitting
- volunteering at 观心园

1. So A came from 28th Oct - 9th Nov. The plan was to take him to my fav vegan restaurants, but never did I realise that he actually only likes spicy, salty food. PICKY EATER! So we ended up cooking at home a lot. Saved money but I really can't eat stirfried, salty, spicy food for so many meals consecutively! I also planned to take him to my house for dinners so that we could save money, but again that plan went down the drain since we don't eat spicy, salty food at my place...Felt really sad that I'm so different from him and that I couldn't make him happy with food that he likes. How are we gonna live together in future? I can learn how to cook those dishes, but I'm not going to be happy because I know those arent healthy dishes. Argued with him so much over this. T.T Eventually he told me he can learn to eat less spicy and salty food, and more of the types of food that I eat, but I have to give him time. We'll see in future what happens. But this experience made me understand my roommate S better because she also always stir-fries her food for lunch even though it takes up so much time, and adds quite a lot of condiments. Just that she is less picky and can eat boiled 'tasteless' food too sometimes. Not everyone is able to love every type of food. I also realise why my mum says Indians only eat Indian food. I know it's true, but I just never took it seriously enough. Or maybe I just didnt realise how heaty Indian food is. Just kept thinking I can just learn, instead of thinking about the sustainability and health aspects of the idea.

A also reminds me so much of my dad, cuz he always thinks he is right even if the reasoning isn't even logical. But I learn to just say okay okay so that I can avoid all the arguing and negativity. Being right doesn't need to be expressed all the time. This skill is probably gonna work really well in my interaction w my dad. But some issues needed arguing, and cuz of that we argued quite badly for the first few days. It's just really difficult to talk to someone when they just think they're right all the time and keep denying the things they did. It's always like 'Why are you getting mad?' (when he's obviously mad), and he will reply 'I'm not mad!'. Seriously. There was once I mirrored his tone and words back at him, and he flared up even more because he thought I was getting mad. He didn't even realise I said exactly what he said, in the same tone.

I'm also learning patience, because sometimes he does things without common sense. Showed him how to tap the card on the bus twice alr, but he still keeps asking me if he has to tap. Isn't tapping ur card smth very simple? If it were more complicated I wouldnt get so annoyed LOL. And he broke a bucket at my friend's place, and also locked himself in the toilet. AIYOH. And he put the lid with the rubber lining too close to the fire and it went out of shape. Luckily he was smart enough to use cold water to contract it back into shape.

Sounds like I'm really unhappy with him, but that's just cuz I started w all the 'bad' stuff. But he's also taught me to be more respectful and to take more initiative, and to just be less afraid of doing what's right. Haha I guess some ppl would think I'm alr quite courageous in this aspect since I'm vegan, but i'm really lacking in courage and initiative especially in front of teachers and elders. Maybe partially because I don't want to show off or make it look like I'm bootlicking, but I shouldn't think that because I know my intentions aren't those! And initiative also because I kinda wait for him to make plans on what to eat, but I should just say 'let's go to so-and-so' instead of 'do you want to go to so-and-so?' and 'Eat this' instead of 'Do you want to eat this?'

2. So because I got more courageous, I went to follow my teacher on thurs even though I went late because of my cepholosporin drip (we'll talk abt this later), and he let me in! And also because of my new found courage, I finally asked him to be my mentor for my masters programme. It's just the first step to everything tho. And I'm not sure if I would be able to get the scholarship for the masters programme (they're tied tgt, meaning I can only do the prog if I get the scholarship) but I shall make plans and carry them out. We'll see what happens. No regrets will be left;) So anyway after I asked him, he told me to prepare a resume and personal statement. So I'm gonna be busy w that.

3. Bladder infection and pyelonephritis probably because of a plethora of reasons. Fried, salty, spicy food every day, emotional rollercoasters, lack of water and uhem. Went to Mutianyu Great Wall on Friday (we fought that day too), didnt eat and drink for the whole afternoon and ended up peeing blood in the evening. Crazily painful too. Actually I also peed in the open because I was kinda urgent, and there was poop on the ground. Then right after that I kept getting the urge to pee. Not sure if I could have caught anything from that...would have been too fast huh? But after that I tried to treat myself, but my formula was too weak so I guess because of that it traveled up and became pyelonephritis. Sigh. Or maybe it could have been because on Monday night after coming back from dinner at my place A heated my back w a warm shirt and it incubated the e.coli. My flank was alr hurting tho, so it had alr traveled up, but could heating it have made it worse? Or maybe it was a good thing it got bad, otherwise I might not have gone to the hospital soon enough. So yeah I went to the ER at 4-5am on Tues and ended up having to get a cephalosporin drip. Bad infection. I had so much difficulty peeing for the urine test and when I did it was really yellow, which was weird because the past few days my pee was clear and quite a lot, except for some bubbles (protein) and a bit of blood and membrane. Because of that I took really long to collect sufficient urine, and the results took pretty long to come back as well (more than 30min). So it's gonna be 5 days of drip in total then oral antibiotics. On my fourth day and my right flank still aches. sigh. why me. But yes, I understand the pain of being sick.

4. N is going to Japan for her Tao yoga test soon, so I'm most prob gonna be petsitting for her for the third time. Coco the rooster has gone to a sanctuary tho! Kelly's not doing too well...vomiting and also lost a lot of weight...sigh

5. Met a local PRC sch mate in one of the vegan grps and she recommended me a buddhist cafe called 观心园 where I cud volunteer to cook. So I'm gonna go check it out next Wed.

So that's gonna be all till I know if I get into masters I suppose!


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