It's just another chapter of my life / Veganism

So it has come to the time of the year where I blog and do an update of my life. Probably gonna be long since I haven't blogged in forever...

It's almost the end of Year 3, I'm just left with FYP, and just waiting for my results. Got the field work FYP I wanted where I get to measure biodiversity which seems really dirty and exciting. Hehe. And I finaaaaalllyyyy watched zootopia and LUVEEEEDDDD it! Today is also kinda the day that marks the end of a period of stress for a little while, cuz I'm done with my Eu Yan Sang interviews! If the results are good mayb I'll put up an update :) If not I need to prep for more interviews! YIKES! And hopefully not cry over it ha.

Also recently I've found new perspectives on veganism. Ugh I feel like doing a video post because my keyboard is spoilt. Trying to save too much money that I cant even afford a new lappy. So ANW I came across freelee the banana girl youtube videos and she's bringing back all the stuff I've read about many years back. And for a long while I haven't been able to do research on them so I decided that for ethical reasons was the best one for being vegan. But now it seems so obvious that the meat and dairy industry is all about profit. They do not care about health. And what's so appalling is that even doctors themselves do not understand what makes up a heathy diet, which is on its own so important for health. Why are we doctors? It is to save lives isn't it? Isn't nutrition the most basic knowledge we should have? What is hyperkalemia caused by? Definitely not by eating too many bananas. (Unless you already have some underlying condition.) So to me now veganism isn't just about the animals, it's about caring for your own health and about not getting cheated by the false advertising funded by these profit-seeking industries. Pharmaceutical companies included! Yes you save lives, but you could have saved lives by teaching us proper nutrition.

Okay but a lot of the time people just wanna be unhealthy. I really do wish the vegan community in Singapore could just step up and produce more yummy dishes and readily available alternatives. Like vegan cakes. :( and fried stuff that don't contain egg or milk batter.

And there's the thing about honey. Honey isn't vegan, esp when we're depriving the animals of their own nutritious honey by feeding them high-fructose corn syrup. But bees are required for pollinating flowers of certain crops such as almonds and apples. So is eating apples supporting the bee industry and thus not vegan? For me my veganism doesn't extend so far because not consuming honey alone is sufficient to stop bee keepers from stealing their food and feeding them high fructose sugar instead. I would drink organic honey. And organic milk in places where they do not have alternatives. But having avoided milk and eggs in so long I'm quite irked by the thought of eating them.

Last thing I wanna talk about is my thoughts on TCM after 3 years. But I'm thinking of doing a youtube series on that. Should I or should I not? Or should I do it in Beijing? Sigh I wish I got that scholarship so I'd be more comfortable with getting a new lappy...Lets see lets see.

P.S I'm so in love w A. Miss him so freaking much. Duno why he's talking so little now tho...): Busy period for him now maybe.

P.P.S. Okay, I prob need to do a follow-up on this post. W my results and some pics. Can I post those picssss? Really wanna but I don't want my parents to see...



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