Some days good, some days bad

Some days just feel kinda bad, and today's one of those days. Just feel a little bit of a failure for not being able to achieve as much as I dreamt of achieving. I guess watching those gym vids just made me a little regretful that I never managed to reach a satisfying standard for myself. But then again at that time I knew I was lucky to have met a good coach who taught me things that I thought I never would have dared to do. So it's really all in my head.

I think I really loved gym. Just that I was really afraid of hurting myself...

And I'm gonna restrain myself from writing about more depressing stuff. haha. It's really a bad trait that I have, this "thinking too much"-ness...I learnt the hard way after that big quarrel with my friend. Gotta count my blessings:)

Super into chvrches these days:) Ma fav song is Lies.

Teehee lead singer of Chvrches.

I wanna be like herrrrr~ To have confidence and to have a mind of my own.

I prefer live vids but Lies doesn't sound as good live ): So here's the mv.

Ok I've gotta go back to studying for my last paper of this sem! Time passes real quick!

P.S. At this moment I'm really really terrified of going to Beijing in y4-5. Seems like a really long time. But I will conquer this fear eventually :)

TTFN! (some Insta yoga challenge I joined and this is the first pose- I don't really do yoga tho..)


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