
What is perfection anyway? Is there actually a state of perfection? So many things are subjective. Are we supposed to do it our own way, or do it exactly the way the teacher does it? Seems like there's always a "better". Yet there also seems to be a "benchmark"... And then there seems to be a kind of framework, or something like "rules". Something like, there are things you just have to get right, yet some other things you don't have to get right.

To me it's about interpretation though...In his head it was like that. Yet in my head it is totally different. (Yes it still is. I sort of feel cheated. Maybe that was one of the reasons I got upset.) But when I watched it, it was from a different perspective as well. I had an eagle's view. Then again, it looks completely different watching yourself on film and watching yourself in the mirror. The world is confusing...

Perspectives, interpretation...

Feeling really frustrated right now.



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