Almond drink

Decided to read up during the hols on the herbal stuff I drink/eat so here's the first post!
This is Fritillaria, found in the cold "Almond Fritillaria shake" I had for tea.

The words sound kinda funny, but it tastes okay lah. Too thin for my liking actually. (And creamer:/) Haven't been able to find the really thick kind I used to drink ):

*I don't have any of the symptoms below, I just like to try almond drinks.*

Clinical Usage and Indications- Fritillaria | 川贝母

  • Clears heat, transforms phlegm, stops many types of cough (chronic, yin-deficient, difficult to expectorate phlegm, blood streaked sputum *mucus from the lower airways*); best for cough with stifling sensation in the chest and upper abdomen (constrained qi).
  • Clears heat, dissipates nodules due to heat - sores, swellings, scrofula, lung or breast abscess.
Seems like it's for ppl with a heaty cough, lots of phlegm and lack of breath.

Dosage and Preparation Notes

  • Dosage: 3-12g
  • Powder: 1-1.5g

Channels/Meridians Influenced

Associated Temperature and Taste

  • Bitter (苦)
  • Cold (寒)
  • Sweet (甘)

Cautions and Contraindications

  • Incompatible with Wu Tou (I have no idea what this is).
Info from


Naturaltherapypages states that almonds shift mucous from the lungs to the large intestines. So it alleviates coughs by removing phlegm and also relieves constipation.



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