Finals are over!!!

It's been pretty scary, how time just flies by...So many things seemed to have happened and I feel like I've grown more than just a year older. (hopefully not physically hahaha)

Actually finals finished for me on the 5th of May, Monday. I can't really tell how I did, just that I know that's all I could give and I've learnt stuff out of my mods. Hope for the best and may the bell curve be kind.

So now it's time to get on with life, what with triple bill and catching up on my magazine and book readings!
And then there's committee stuff too. Kinda scared but starting on it makes me excited too. I hope we will be a close-knit and dedicated team :')

And then I have no idea why I agreed to cynosure as well but haha let's just have as many experiences as we can while we're still in Uni, where we can make mistakes and all.

Uni. Where we make or discover those life-long friends. I've been spamming my friends with this:

I really love this cat. Shooo cuteeee :) And I believe she makes ppl's days.

I wonder what watching 500 days of Summer again will be like. I still think it's a sad story, tho supposedly it's not supposed to be.

Sometimes I think I take way too long to get over things. And I indulge. So that's bad. But. Some ppl just get it easier. Life's just like that.

In the end, we'll all be ok. And I'm really grateful for the friends I have. How did we even get here? I really have no idea sometimes. All I know is that it takes two hands to clap.

And then I like to think that there are just some ppl who can "get" you. 

I'm talking about no. 2. Seems like it doesn't really link but I sorta want the link to be for myself so I won't really go too in depth. If you get it, good for you :) It's a really hard thing for me to get to know someone. I think you need to really know someone before you can be yourself. That's why I kinda envy the ppl who have blind faith in others. It really is a beautiful thing I feel. People have told me that I'm a very open person tho. Maybe they just trust me too much? I don't lie to them, just that I don't tell them everything about me. They think that I tell them things that are very personal, but we probably just have different definitions of personal. There are so few ppl who actually really know me know me. And I think it's bad in a way because friendship is based on trust and that depends on how vulnerable you make yourself to be. I am only so vulnerable in front of a few ppl. Just those few. I am locked up within myself. I am myself, yet not myself. How many people "get" this?

OKAY let's just end on a higher note shall we? Sem 2 has been a little topsy turvy for me but I always come out okay :) So that's all that matters huh! This picture deserves to be posted twice :)



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