Some updates (since I haven't been posting in forever)

Sem 1 has been rather eventful and enjoyable, and I did well too:) French n tcm was so unexpected:)

Stuff that happened in Sem 1:

1) Got adopted into Odin and met some awesome ppl :)

Christmas at N's place

2) Jamband

Our first Jamband perf

Team mag outing at Timbre (without N)

3) NAF organising comm (graphic designer) - I think I only got the spot cuz there wasn't enuf ppl but it's been really funn:)
4) Got thru Contemp{minated} auditions and found my bestie there
5) NAF contemp- Choreographing for the very first time (with my bestie). Met some really great ppl too.

Ah. (without S & F)

6) IHG vb teammates. Had some bonding time watching movies and goin to USS tgt:)

Halloween Night at USS

7) Art Jam- wrote an article on Taming of the Shrew (Interviewed some professionals for the very first time!) and edited another (on some cosplay fest).

8) Met B and quarreled but made up. A friend to keep:)

Sem 2 started off pretty bad cuz everything seemed to pile up so quickly...The only good thing was that I got to know some ppl better cuz of IHG (which started b4 Sem 2).

Georgie passed away also...Freak accident cuz most likely a dog mauled him.

RIP Georgie

IHG's still ongoing and we're in to the volleyball finals against 14. Tough match. Oh I sprained my ankle while playing against hall 4-.- so that prevented me from playing tennis IHG and goin for NAF chalet T.T But at least I got to play tennis for the next match. Lost 6-1 tho... So cui LOL. Somehow I just can't get my service right... And I also got to play for vb semis :)

Played one game of IHG basketball too HAHAHA.

They say I look like avatar...-.-

And playing IHG squash now too^^ so funnnn~

Ok I guess Sem 2 isn't that bad after all...Just have to be stronger in the mind and not give up!!



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