The rainbow after a storm

Hmph! Don't like it that blogger/ google is linked to youtube cuz when I wanna log into blogger, I've to log out of my original youtube acc. So I've got two now-.-

AND HOTMAIL is getting on my nerves too!!!! It's always having issues but I don't wanna switch cuz it is my main email and I'm so used to it and everything is there!

Anw! To the main post. I've realised that rainbows really do ALWAYS appear after storms. I mean figuratively of course. It's whether we've got the patience to stick through tough / awkward / depressing situations. It does get better, as ilymorgannn said in one of her vids:) Friends who've given u the cold shoulder / quarrels, embarrassing things, academics, self-esteem, etc. Really, it does.

But of course, we've gotta reflect as well and not put the blame on everything and everyone else. We've gotta learn to not make the same mistakes and not give the excuse that "it's just me, accept it or you're not fit to be my friend". Ironically, as a GOOD friend, we forgive others and accept them for who they are. I think there's a trick to this tho. Cuz we've got the ability to tell if someone is genuine or not, whether someone is a good friend / person or not. So that means we're able to know for ourselves whether to forgive someone. Yes, easier said than done, but I trust my guts.

Lastly, Nigahiga is awesome. CANDYCRUSH!


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