Just been thinkin...

I've been so lazy to blog really:/ I say this cuz I actually thought abt some stuff to write a few days ago yet I didn't bother to put those thoughts into words. Procrastination. Lol. I really wanna record all these thoughts because I think they're meaningful (at least to me) so finally now I force myself to pen them down heh!

I guess quite a lot of ppl come to this question in some point or another in their lives- what's e purpose of living? I've probably thought abt this before. But at this new point in my life I have gained new experiences and thus new ideas. I used to think it was all about being happy. But after spending much more time with animals I've realised other things. Anw why do animals live? What's their motivation? Are they happy or is it wired in them to just fight to survive? Maybe they don't think too much like how humans do all the time. They just do what they do.

And then I realise that for the past 18 years I've been learning more and more each day about things around me, myself, and how the two interact. Maybe that's what animals do as well, but sorta in a different way probably. I'm learning about my own food, my own finances, my own likes and dislikes, my own sense of beauty etc etc, and I realise that it's making me progress as a person. I really feel like I'm moving forward. And I really feel like I can share my knowledge with confidence so that others can progress as well. Most importantly, I'm learning about conscience. I want to do my part to save the earth not because I care for successive generations but because the earth is my home. You take care of your home don't you? And of course, I care for animals because they are innocent creatures who do not deserve whatever horrendous treatment they're getting in today's world. They do not deserve it, nor is it necessary for our own survival, or even for a better quality of life for us. But that's not the point. The point is, we shouldn't treat other sentient beings the way human'kind' has been treating them.

Previously, I believed that it was natural for us to eat other animals. Food web right? But hello, we're developing medicines, machines, techniques and all sorts of other crazy technology, yet we can't even find delicious vegan food for ourselves? Something's wrong here.

Alright, I've said my piece~~


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