Hmm the gist of art?

It's amazing how art actually touches our spirits and rids us of our troubles for just that moment and even several moments after or several days! Yet when u finally analyse it like how we usually do in lit class or whatever, it comes down to sex. I never really understood this till now and it probably seems "wrong" to some of us to "degrade" art to something like sex. But if u wud think abt it, sex is actually one of e most amazing "procedures" in e universe. (gosh "procedure sounds sooo mechanical but i really can't find another word:/) It's sort of where life comes from, or mayb rather the impt process that helps in variation. After all, ppl are obsessed with e beginning of things like the beginning of everything, with e big bang theory and God. So it's really not something so embarrassing to be talking about sex, especially in this case. Anw, the reason I'm actually blogging abt this is cuz I'm reading dear R's biography (if u know me well enough or have talked to me recently u'd prob know who R is haha~). And what I read was that ppl described his view of creativity as very much akin to sex, if u wud let me use the exact words. It's an "intensity", if u get what I mean. Intense is the word. I feel that such intensity is really what makes art what it is. The intensity strikes right down to ur heart. Resonates. Scares. Inspires. But it seemed like a joke when Y always tried to link sex to e meanings of his literary texts.. don't know if it's cuz he truly understands or it's just cuz he's a guy. I guess I'll try to think of him as someone with depth and knowledge:P Now I sort of understand why some say that sex is a form of art. And why some ppl take so much pleasure in sex and watching porn even tho, using e words of J, it's just e same action over and over again. Lol. What a post. TTFN~~


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