An Inspector Calls

Wow so much happens in just 72 pages. So many twists. Amazing. What a good thing that I'm looking thru e books that I've not read but are just lying collecting dust on my shelf! Started on my personal research project recently and it's getting me all excited! Hmm but I'm thinking it will take a long time. But I promise to finish it! (Hard to separate my points into paragraphs cuz I can't press e enter button:/) Tbh I'm rather nervous for my A lvl results....hope that isn't a bad omen.....and now I promise myself that this will be e last time I'll remind myself of that. Just really afraid I don't get to do my dream course.....after so many years of hard work.....really hope they see that I'm someone special who'll be able to help animals! Not that I can't do that without becoming a vet but I'm sure being one helps. Next, I've been watching Talia on youtube recently. She's really cute and inspirational:D really sad tho....but at least she's making e best of it and helping others as well:) TTFN!


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