
Just finished Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Haven't actually read storybooks in a while so I forgot how good they were! As in, I know the books are good but it's e feeling I forgot and it feels SO AMAZING reading that. I seriously recommend it, unless u're a little squirmy cuz it's abt solving a crime and he wrote it in a really graphic way. It's actually part of a trilogy but I'm afraid to read the rest cuz I wanna keep the current feeling and not erase it with another "feeling" from the other books. Plus Y said the author died so the last book seems as tho it isn't finished. (Or is it this book? It feels unfinished yet finished. Better ask Y again heh.)

Anw I learnt quite a few things from the book:)

Firstly, I love Blomkvist cuz he's a good friend and he upholds integrity. Won't talk abt how he upholds integrity but about being a friend, he says it works both ways and you need both trust and respect. Not that no one knows this but sometimes it is forgotten. Or maybe they really aren't "true friends". But it is really friends that keep us going sometimes and that trust and respect is really impt. Trust in keeping secrets, respect (do I have to say more?). Yet how do we go about trusting ppl? It's really an unusual thing, this so-called "trust". But somehow we trust others. I guess I used to be rather trusting in the past but as I grew older I realised that some ppl just can't be trusted. Not because they accidentally let ur secret out but because they did it on purpose. Or they left you behind in the lurch. So now I only give my trust after I've known that person for some time and sort of know what kind of a person he is. But it works both ways. If the other person can't give me his trust, that friendship just won't work.

I also realised how much optimism we ALL have. Seriously. Or maybe I should put it this way: many of us love to leave things where they are. If we were so curious as to dig up and look at murder cases, or give a sh*t abt how animals are treated in a farm/ slaughter house, I think some of us weaker ones may just give up on life. I'm just saying how I felt when I read the book. Just really traumatised. But in an enlightening way. And all that link to religion. Scary. Interpretation can just screw things around. The fact that quite so many humans can just sort of ignore all those terrible happenings tells me how "strong" humans are made out to be. I say strong because I can't ignore my curiosity (for certain things. Actually the many others have their cravings for certain info too but mayb not such gory ones). It's too hard. And I hope that ain't more of a curse than a blessing. heh. 

I'm not saying that those who eat meat are horrible ppl, but it's quite sad that so many ppl aren't even willing to give up a little meat for the cause of protesting against inhumane farming methods. Maybe it's hard to see how a little effort would change anything but why not? Is it really that hard? We live in such luxury! Air con, meat, nice houses, education, the Internet, computer, Iphone 5......

I wanted to write a little on religion but smth cropped up so I shall postpone it..... I HOPE I RMB. (I forgot what I wanted to write after the last time I said I wanted to write smth. HAHA.)

But still,


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