okay they are all expected. but sigh.

ahh well. I think I put in a decent amount of work this time. Overall I've improved or at least maintained my standards except for chem:/ chem was such a disaster. But I think it was better than the expectations I had after taking the paper. Lol. What sadness. I still remember that song playing over and over again in my head during the chem papers. Why did it have to play then?? But it's really a lovely song. Mayb that's why. And when I went home I bawled zzz. M told me to stop playing MW so I did:) BUT OH NO RELAPSE TODAY T.T

Anw I seriously need to work on my essays. GP, BIO, and ECONS essays. FAILED SO BADLY except for GP which was such a relief. Do I really have such bad written expressions? Okay maybe so, since I keep writing so incoherently and with so many puns etc (here) that it probably makes no sense to people reading it (if there are).

Time to drink green bean soup, and then I shall get on to studying.

Just a random thought: Does W have photographic memory? It's amazing the way he just gets the grades he wants so easily. Not just now but in pri sch as well. Okay I shall stop being so jealous of such smart ppl HAHA.



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