Late night/ early morn post

ARGH why is that thingy taking so long! some connection prob i suppose:/

Anw I've decided to spam bio tmr. Gonna read my bio notes for e first time for a test/ exam. Keep seeing ppl do that so I've been pressured to do that too heh...been relying on answers and papers all along. And I shan't watch so much tv tmr. Gosh how! TV is like my eyes to the world cuz I don't really read the papers.... and today's documentaries were so amazing that I just had to watch them..:/

After ballet today I seriously wasted so much time playing piano...wasted cuz i was supposed to study. ok this is much more of a waste of time:/ Then after that I went down for pre-dinner food haha with P and talked a lot^^

Recently found out my dad got a scholarship to "study" karate too. Gosh how come he can just dream to do smth and just achieve it? Dreamt to be a ballet dancer and he did it. Dreamt to play e piano in front of a live audience and he did it. Wish I could be as disciplined and outstanding as him. Now he has one more dream- to study TCM in university. I think he can do it since he's like "nothing's impossible". Every time I say "I can't", he'll be like "what? you, saying you can't?" and he'll laugh as if it's ridiculous. I guess that's really encouraging tho^^ Maybe his trick is to only think about success and don't think about the "what if I don't make it". arhh but i still need my back up plans!! Lol and I realise he had so many "back-up plans" cuz he had so many options. Karate or ballet, piano, acting, working in a bank (lol this one i don't know how he did actually. need to ask him what he did there). But then again either weren't back-up plans. He only had to contemplate which to give up. Too amazing. I still rmb D talking to me that time and he kept saying my dad is so cool blah blah but that time I just didn't realize how awesome he was cuz that's just what it's like when u live with him. And it was so awkward cuz I didn't know how to reply. Luckily he was quite talkative or else it would have been real awkward:/ Didn't realise D's almost the same age as me. I think like only 1 or 2 years older? He's like so huge! Cuz of MMA I guess. And he doesn't even act his age heh.

K lah crap need to sleep:/ tmr/today is bio day!!^^


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