
I think these few days have been relatively productive, considering I still multi-task so I can study and do rubbish:/ Today's math lecture was a joke. The lecturer didn't even have t use a mike. That reminds me, I've to go check SAJC P2 answers.

Went for Bio too:) Haha F is so cute^^ It's nice talking to such ppl! And omg she's just so funny HAHAHA.

Today was a really good day cuz a certain group of ppl and of course C made me so touched^^ And they're such real ppl. And then this other person also made me really happy even tho it's sort of trivial and she didn't have much choice lol. (gosh I wonder if I can even rmb what happened on this day if I were to come back in a decade's time to look at this post...) But I don't think I would have been as happy if another person did the same thing.

6 more days:/ to the day that could change my life forever. But no matter what I will stay happy:)



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