Consecutive happy days should make me motivated!

Please make me motivated. Last lap alr! Do it like u did in sec 1 during cross country. Do it well and then vomit after everything is over. I wish I still had that drive in me. I hope it's somewhere swimming inside of me. If not, too bad then, I have to recreate that drive. I know I've been lazy these few years. Been so hard to get that momentum all over again. But it's possible and the dream is just THERE. So do it the NIKE way: JUST DO IT!!

Hilariously, the most recent time I've truly studied my heart out was for PSLE. Accepted DSA alr but still study so hard. Goon? Ppl around me say aiyo PSLE dun need to study one just play all day. I think only my coach thinks I play all day and nvr study cuz she keeps seeing me come back for trngs during that period. But the truth is that I studied every day. And I didn't have the computer to distract me. I rmb sitting by my bed on the floor with my soft green file going thru all my mistakes. I rmb practicing for oral. GOSH WHO PRACTICES FOR ORAL?? me lor.

The other time I rmb studying really hard was for Grade 5 ABRSM theory. Can't rmb what I did for Grade 1 and 3 cuz that was so long ago. All I have are those certs and marks. But I can be proud of myself for doing well and doing it on my own by getting the theory book and exam papers. I studied hard for Grade 5 because there were SO MANY TERMS to rmb. French terms, italian terms, german terms. How I wish I still rmb them so I can impress ppl HAHAHA. Then it was time for grade 8 theory. Seriously joke. With a composer as a teacher and I got a pass I think. Either pass or merit. But i think it was only a pass. I didn't even bother memorising simple terms. Semplice or smth like that came out and I was like ??? That was how lazy I got zzz. But it probably shows my enthusiasm for it:/ Don't wanna compose, just wanna play. Tho harmony is really cool especially when you play it out. But not cool enough to make me work that hard. My goal at that time was just to pass and get over with it:/ Sad.

So I hope that won't be the trend for my academic life. Sec sch was the ultimate slacking period. So no more slacking! That E for MATH in J1 promos was also bad enough. It's time to re-enact PSLE period HAHAHA.



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