GP P1&2

First paper of BT2. Well I won't write for every paper but since it's GP paper I sort of wanna and have things to write about it..Chose qn 4 for my essay which is "How far do you agree with mankind being an incurable self-destructive species." I probably should have disagreed since "incurable" seems like an extreme word but I took it as treatable but not able to be saved so the word isn't extreme anymore (to me at least) and I hope the teachers accept that. I probably should have emphasized more on the "incurable" part cuz I talked a lot about self-destruction (what about wars, global warming and moral degradation). It was a pretty pessimistic essay:/ I tried to incorporate the idea of not enough effort and plans being put in place to mitigate the issues but there were probably some slips. Didn't get to check the essay after I "finished" so I really hope there aren't too many grammatical errors!

Somehow I managed to complete compre. It was an interesting passage about humour. Nothing much I want to say about that otherwise.

Tried my best and I actually sort of enjoyed the papers!


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