Don't be sad

blogpost by a hc senior (gosh one comment was terrible! hc students aren't idiots-.-)

Viral post on fb.
I shan't provide a summary cuz that's like the abridged version of a book:/

I wouldn't have thought of writing on it until I saw what V wrote on her own blog.

A levels are just around the corner, we're currently having our block tests- J2s are stressed. I'm not sure if I am because since I stepped into JC I've already been thinking about "what if I didn't do well" so it's either I've been stressed throughout that I don't feel the stress, or it's cuz currently I'm using the comp and that relaxes me.

Anw I got a B for pw. Yeah so what if I didn't do well? I'm not doing this for anyone even though I share my feelings with my family after my tests/ after I get back my results. I'm probably really irresponsible because they probably have expectations of me and I don't care about those expectations. But they're lucky cuz my expectations are the same as theirs. I don't need to make my parents proud. I've never thought I needed to. I've never experienced the pressure due to "others' expectations". For me, that pressure always solely came from myself.

My dream is to be a vet. But to do that, I need to get the good results to be accepted into a good uni AND to get the scholarship. I've no money to pay my way in. That pw B really got to me. What if I really can't make it? I try to give myself a way out and say that I can do another course, earn enough then go study vet science. But how many decades am I gonna take I don't know. I really hate that feeling when my dreams still remain as dreams.

(It's weird talking about myself like this but I just wanna make a few points.)

My sec sch good friend tells her friends that I'm the "triple threat" - 3 CCAs and triple science. Truthfully I don't feel that it's a really glorious thing because I know of friends in the arts stream that are doing LOADS of amazing things. And then I got BBBCSD overall last year. My mom asked me to drop out of volleyball. She has never forced me to do anything but this time, I cried over this issue for a rather long time because if I went for trainings she told me she would pull me out personally. All this for what? Good grades.

BBBCSD. My poly friends, ITE friends neighbourhood sch friends and some sch mates would probably say those results were good. And then I'll think of those in SMTP and those in the 90th++ percentile (HP is good but I'm in the science stream so yeah). It is a form of competition but beneath that is the worry that I can't achieve my dreams. Furthermore, B for pw taught me that anything could happen.

There are times when we laugh like no one's business but there are also times when we worry. At these times I keep finding ways to encourage myself and there's nothing better than just telling urself to try ur best. Before volleyball matches, I worry if I can't perform. And then I tell myself to just try my best and play with no regrets. This was something I realised from my gym senior who told me that everyone gets the nerves before they compete- they just handle it. And trying my best and not thinking too much about other things is how I handle it. Just try ur best.

We can't control others, we can't control our results (since it's marked by the examiner and not ourselves-.- okayyy this applies more for the subjective ones) but we can control how we view things, how we handle things, and how we feel. Don't deny this because it may cause us to forget how to control ourselves. We function via hormones and neurotransmitters etc anyway so if we don't use the mechanisms they may get rusty. It's like how we grow old and feel stiff. Even people who had mental disorders like anorexia and bulimia changed the way they think.

When sadness is around, think about what u did that went wrong, learn from it and let e sadness fade away........................ Look forward! :D


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