another chapter closed

Dance night's officially over. Everything seems worth it and I've found my true love in dance. I guess everything comes full circle. Ballet was my first love after all. Don't even rmb choosing it. It's like I was always in it since my dad's a dancer. Too bad I'm not that good and I've got a freaking stiff pelvis. But YAY now that I've got more time, I can use it on ballet! Mummy passed me her ballet shoes but seems like they're a tad bit small:/ So means I'm gonna get new shoes!(: But the bad side is that I've to break the point shoes all over again. Well anyway I still haven't got enough strength to go on point so I'll do that breaking progressively~ bend it everyday haha.

Now that CCA's over, I can fully concentrate on studying. But I lost my yellow file OMG WHY ON EARTH DO I KEEP LOSING MY THINGS. It's not that I don't treasure them. I want to but probably I'm too tired to remember taking all my things? I thought I alr made the habit of checking before leaving. Seems like that habit hasn't stuck >:( That day being quite high and chaotic could also have been a factor...ARGH! Hope I find it in sch tmr..


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