Life's got its ups and downs

Hmm I don't know if I should be up or down cuz bad things keep happening around me these few days! So I seem to be so fortunate..I guess it's the balance of things. There will always be both bad and good things happening simultaneously. And all the events have taught me not to be too sad over things we've lost. They're probably lost for a reason..and u'll learn something from that loss. Appreciate what you have now!!

Anw trngs have been awesome(: But hmm I feel like I'm trng hard but i'm not losing fats or gaining more muscles LOL. not hard enough?! Oh and Asians are comin soooooonnnn! SO EXCITED TO GO TO VIETNAM!(:

ASEAN was great this year. Made friends and swapped t-shirts. And went to USS!(: And I guess my mindset was right this time. I was such an idiot last year LOL>.<

Haha anw speaking of vb (last year's ASEAN was for vb), trngs are only once a week. and it clashes with dance-.- Is it really that hard to arrange trng on another day? sigh..But somehow the choice is quite easy to make, just that it's made hard by the consequences.



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