Everything will be alright(:

Let this apply to all my friends(: Somehow quite a few of my friends aren't that happy:( Well, for various reasons..

Anw I also used that as my title to cheer myself on(: I guess I naturally display my happy side..And my tired side apparently HAHA. Sigh I'm feeling less and less passion for school..Just wana stay at home to use the Internet. Much more inspirational. Haven't even had time to go to the lib to get more animal books!!>.< AIYA I feel I'm wasting so much time in school!! So many other things in the world!!!!!! Aiya actually I shouldn't be saying all these cuz it's not like I'm doing fantastically well..But my sucky grades don't really spur me on..:/

Half the year's alr passed..soon the J2s will leave..:( I really wonder what it would be like without them around..sigh..missing people is tough..ARGHHHHH):




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