really hols:)

wow I can't believe it. I've been reaching home at 1030 for the past few nights, including today. Actually not 1030 only. 11-12 sometimes.. Gosh my OG's crazy we go out almost every day of e hols! But actually it's only the few of us.. not ALL of the OG is bonded. But it's not bad! quite a lot of peeps:D

Trng has been fun<3 but quite slack at parts. VB is ok..I try to put in effort but the effect doesn't show:( Nid to get back my techniqueT.T If it were like gym then that would be awesome! Can't believe I still can do some of the stunts:p haha.

I still have 4 subj of hw left. All the writing subj haha.. PW, GP, BIO, ECONS..

Lol my math results aren't out yet..I keep making careless mistakes. Like I'm half-blind..

Kk tmr is SYF rehearsal I'd better get to bed soooooon!



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