New shelf tmr:D

I'm goin t IKEA tmr t get a new shelf. It's most probably gona b white:) Then we'll go to kino. Hmm..If I can make it, I'll go for ny trng.

Lol trng today was cancelled cuz it rained really heavily..But nvm. I'm really wondering if I should go for trng tmr. Mayb I should cuz my skills + fitness are ...

I'm feeling quite successful in some ways cuz I've gotten rid of some stuff (tho not exactly completely) and I've gotten new stuff..:p

And I love Aiden Grimshaw!!! Can't believe it I'm following him on twitter!!!!!!!:D Lol nvr been so crazy over someone hahahaha..<3<3<3

Ok I'm goin off for dinner! SMELLS GREAT!



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