
I have no inspiration. NO INSPIRATION. That's e reason for not bloggin for so long. Well haha so I realized that no inspiration can spark inspiration to write about havin no inspiration! =.=

I actually have a no inspiration period and inspiration period.{my own theorem abt how my body works} And it's seriously worrying that I'm havin my no inspiration period NOW. That's cuz it's abt t be the EOY period. I'd rather hav my period than hav my no inspiration period during this period. That just sounded revolting. And that's what no inspiration gives.

I'm feeling quite lost abt how I'd do in the exams especially the essay writing ones cuz knowing that I'm not getting any inspiration means stoning and wasting time till I crap some stuff up. Lost is exactly the word to describe the feeling. I hope inspiration comes back home to me:D It would b great if I felt like how I did during Sept hols when I knew what I was gona do each day. And I had lots of things to talk/ write about!

Or mayb it's not that I'm at apex of the no inspiration wave where nothing seems to move me. What's making me numb abt e stuff arnd me could be a black hole! Which sucks out the contents of my inner pandora's box. Haha. Frankly, I used to hav lots of random opinions abt stuff. And they can b so random that they r utterly ridiculous. Now that I've lost that, I realize how much it helped me. (how cliche=.=) I love randomness. It makes things multi-dimensional and funny at times. Ha Ha Ha.

Hmm mayb it's not Zilch anymore. CUZ I've found a new guy that I like. It is generally very RARE that I go crazy abt anyone. And I don't go crazy over girls at all. NO don't get me wrong I'm not saying girls aren't that good. It's just that they don't attract me, mayb cuz we're of the same gender? Similar to magnets, the like poles don't attract. But it's only similar cuz they don't repel, that is, I don't hate them. ANW I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M WRITING SO MUCH NOW..

K anw if u got excited when I wrote "I've found a new guy that I like", caress ur nerves cuz it's not like-like. It's IDOL-like. And e person is: D-trix! I don't think he's the hottest person I've ever seen but he's HILARIOUS. HOW CAN U NOT LOVE A HILARIOUS PERSON?!

anw, a video or two:

Hee hee:D


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