Hmm I always love Sundays and I always start with "hmm". Lol no not always but quite frequently.

Anw I love today cuz I hav lots of time t do lots of things and I consider today really fruitful! I read abt lots of things frm my cat care books and animal fact books and I borrowed 2 books on communicating with dogs and dog experiences so YAY:D

There are some ppl whom I envy a lot, and most of them are those who r gd in sports. I really miss playin vb..sianness.. How I hope exams weren't SOOO relevant. or mayb they should realize CCAs and other activities are as relevant. haha. Well I was still doin gym during PSLE period and when I asked my mom why she let me, she said HUH, I did? Lol that was really really funny. She doesn't even realize.. Weird. Of all things, she doesn't realize stuff abt my studies. But she knows what I like. Which I think is a fantastic skill. I hav no idea how she does it and my jaw just literally falls t e ground when she shows off this ability of hers.

Haha watching dageda i love pin yuan so cute haha. adorable but ugly. HAHA. his hair helps a lot.



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