Shares and more random stuff to push the comic widget down:p

Hmm I wana buy shares.. If u're good at playing with shares, you can make quite a lot of money! AIYO comfortDELGRO is still stuck at 1.53=.=-.- haha so cute:p

I know a friend whose dad plays with shares! Yeah it's risky but if one is willing to play with shares, he/she should be willing to let go. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, that's the way life is.

LOL I shall try to use as many "
" as possible so as to move my comic widget down. Don't want it t b blocked by my tagboard and other stuff:p

YAY I love watching Games. Commonwealth Games is showing right now:D Sports is just so lovable.

Sian about exams. I think ppl should just keep all their exam scripts then read them 10 years later. It would be quite entertaining. I've actually done such a thing when I was spring cleaning. I think I was arnd p6 or smth? And I was lookin thru my lower pri stuff. Haha. And it was quite funny cuz I found lots of dumb mistakes that the teacher didn't even notice. LOL!

Anw I've been thinking a lot lately, about what I could do if I were to fail in sch. Like, what happens if I can't get into vet sch..Hah I'm just kidding. I wana get into vet sch and since other ppl, I can too. What I meant was, if I were to quit sch now, what could I do. So these r some of e things I thought of:

1. B a math teacher in NY.

2. B an "any subject" tuition teacher.

3. B a gym coach. (those for-fun type, mayb at my ex-club. I'll make them point their feet and straighten their legs like crazy, esp boys. And I'll make everyone super flexible and strong. HEEHEE)

4. I'll nvr be a vb coach.

5. I'll nvr b a violin teacher.

6. Mayb I'll b a music consultant. Hehe. So u can ask for comments frm me after playing a piece (on e violin] for me.

7. Play with shares?????

8. Sell stuff on my blog or write sponsored posts?

9. Work at Starbucks.

10. Bake stuff and sell them on my blog.

And I stopped there. What do u think? I almost wanted to write "try out for SI". haha:p but would b quite fun but no private life mayb? And I don't think I can compose nice songs..

TTFN~<3 <--heart balloon haha.

p.s. hope these r enough.


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