Lot's of stuff to do now!! but I dun really hav t do them actually..just that I want to. :D That explains why I'm not online as often now. Oh and I've been goin for trng;) haven't played for a long time so I'm still tryin t find my "feel":p

Did quite a lot of work this morn so I'm givin myself a break now. Wow I keep spammin smileys!

I think soya bean stimulates my body's production of endorphins haha. I always feel very good after drinking soya bean:D<3 I realize my favourite drinks are of extreme colours. Like milk and soya milk which are white, and milo which is brown (dark colour). I also love my powder milk drink + milo. Guess its colour. GREY. but it rocks:)

Can't w8 for class outing on Mon! sry vb mates can't go for trng on mon..



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