
Hmm..haven't blogged in awhile!

I'm feeling that sense of satisfaction cuz e jittery feeling I get when I'm nervous is less serious now.. EOYs are comin and O lvls Japanese Oral is only less than 2 weeks away!!! Time flies like the way a lizard moves. Zooms past then stops and zooms again.

Went for guitar lesson earlier. Hmm.. tho I was looking forward t it quite badly b4 e lesson, it wasn't a really satisfying one cuz I didn't learn that many songs. But I guess that's not really e main issue cuz getting used t e finger board is more impt. It's so diff frm e violin..But it's nice in its own way (like duh=.=)

My memory is getting quite bad..I can't b getting old that fast! AIYO! My memory used t be super good..or mayb every child has good memory:p So IH is gona b kinda a problem..And I haven't touched it yet. This is bad. If I wana b a vet I need a good memory. Actually diff stuff hav diff abilities in staying in my head. Like science and math stuff stay there better than current affairs stuff. So yay in a way..

Do u read a statement, then understand it, and then totally don't get it? I do. But luckily I try not t give up understanding it too fast. So in e end I still get it:D This is with respect to LA:) (Spammed smileys!:o)

I can't find my calculator:(

I hate it when I think I wrote quite well for smth but when I get e results it's not very good..It's even worse when I think I wrote OK ONLY but when I get e results it's not bad or even quite good. It's not satisfying cuz I wouldn't think I deserved e marks. I want to b able t think I did well and do well in actual fact.

Supposed t b reading bio. What m I doin here? Actually it makes sense cuz I nid t practise writing. So bloggin ain't called slacking. ;p



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