Screwed, big time..

DIE LAH.. I just realized how screwed i am.. Cuz I didn't realize u can only take Japanese Language (H1/H2)  if u got a B3 or above for O lvls/ prelims. Hmm.. I still have 1 month.. Screwed up prelims. I can't understand the 2 passages..:( But I cud when we were doin exercises! Mayb it's exam pressure? But I have overcome that alr! H says I nid t read more. Haha of I hav t stop being so lazy..can't believe I ever got A2 in Sec 2.. LOL.. Anw this made me think. I mean, if I passed with flying colours I would probably continue taking Japanese in JC. But now, I'm thinking whether or not I should continue if I can get in. Cuz I plan t take 2 CCAs in JC. (HAHA that's if I can get into MAD.) And if I take 3rd lang, I'll prob hav t miss CCA on some days.. which I kinda don't want to.. Plus since I alr know most of e basics, I guess I'd b ok learning on my own? Well.. I believe I hav enough knowledge to read a simple Japanese book? HEHE..And I can kinda understand what ppl r saying..erm..actually that's like very seldom or if they're saying really normal stuff like bb/thank you/ etc, the phrases that r regularly used in "normal life".

hmm anyone hav any suggestions on what I should do?

Yay we had LA free pick ppts today and C, G and I presented ours. I screwed up but I guess it's ok cuz it's just the song part..wrong verse haha:p

gosh i was so devastated that i forgot i had my guitar lesson=.= bb gona eat dinner now!



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