
decided to talk abt this aft watchin e vid posted by C on her blog.
I don't see why human rights should be brought into the picture. It just makes things all confusing. Cuz if human rights r brought in, abortions will have a link with Stem cell research using embryos. Yeah yeah I know there're alternative ways but wait, I'm not talking abt Stem cell research (maybe later :p) but now, let's just concentrate on the abortion aspect.
My view is very simple. U don't hav t bring in all the human rights or all that, or mayb they can just come in at the end. My view is, if u abort ur child, I'll just think u're just a person who shrugs responsibility. Yes, the responsibility is huge. HUGE. It's a BABY. U hav t support it till it can be independent. But hello, we're human. And humans are supposed t b sociable. Come on. There are so many ppl out there to help u and all u hav t do is just find them. U see, I'm assuming that the human nature is kind and that they'll be willing t help others in need. If our world allows abortions for ppl other than those who will die cuz of their unborn child, it means we're kinda living in a very very very sad world. If I know that there are ppl who can help me raise my child (if I can't do so on my own), I won't abort my baby. (erhem, u can't keep bothering ppl when u can do stuff on ur own.) And I believe there are nice ppl on earth. So there's no such excuse that u can't look after ur child, esp in developed, accessible countries. Go pro-choice all u want. I'll just look at u (a lot of ppl may) and think u either live in a sad, sad part of the world (i'll forgive u, but there'll b no human rites issue there since it's a sad place), or that u just don't like babies, or that u associate ur baby with ur rapist. U won't b able t forget ur rapist even if u abort ur baby. And if e baby doesn't try t kill u during pregnancy, lookin after e baby won't kill u (or ur neighbours/friends). GO PRO-CHOICE. Hav the choice to b a mean or a nice person. 
Now u see how stem cell research is so different? Now u hav a purpose of regenerating limbs/organs etc!
Plus human rights are r t make us more humane isn't it? But that's t make laws. Let's b pro-choice, and b automatically humane, and not by letting human rights rule us. DON'T ABORT (if the foetus isn't killing u)!



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