
Lol I just can't resist the urge to come here. It's really like a pen-diary..Cuz I'm so used t my notebook alr, that I treat it like a diary that has other functions other than being a tool to access and write in a blog.

Realized I've been writing too much on Japanese exams, wallowing in self-pity. So now I shall just ban myself from doin that, not that I still hav Japanese exams stuff t talk abt=.=

It's 12.30am as u can see from e title. I'm addicted t fluffeetalks. He's a youtube user who expresses his views on certain weird/funny news and random topics. Vulgar sometimes, esp when he's angry, for example when he was talkin abt child rape. But he's really funny. Seriously funny, not vulgar type of funny! Peter Chow can't compare with him cuz Peter Chow is disgusting and eww.. sry Peter Chow but I just can't accept the way u present urself in utube vids. Not at all to my liking..

I'm nvr gona get rid of my eyebags at this rate. Shucks. Do I wana get rid of it at all or not?!!??!??!

Hmm mayb after this I'll view one more fluffee vid and then brush my teeth and go to bed.

I don't like doin SRQ cuz I dun find reason t do it. Why should we dwell on mistakes? I used t like t b very critical and always tried t find fault in other ppl. But now I totally find no use in doin that. Lookin at other's good points r soo much more enjoyable and useful cuz for me, if I keep lookin at someone doin somethin e right way, somehow I'll do e same thing well (according to my own standards). Which means when I c someone doin somethin wrongly, I just do it wrongly too.

fell asleep..HA



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